Instagramに投稿した「Quizzes of basic Japanese 初級日本語クイズ」のアーカイブを紹介しています。問題のあとに解答と解説が続きます。
This page introduces the archive of “Quizzes of basic Japanese” which was posted on Instagram. The answers and explanations follows after quizzes.
Do you know the difference between these three “~ところです”?
“~ところです” has a different meaning depending on the verb form that precedes it.
Do you know whether to use てform or ないform for instructions?
Do you know the difference between “おいしそうです” and “おいしいそうです”?
“~そうです” has a different meaning depending on the word’s form that precedes it.
Do you know the difference between “ので” and “のに”?
These two words have completely different meanings.
What’s the difference between “まで” and “までに”?
Both are used with the word for time, but what’s the difference?