Instagramに投稿した「Quizzes of basic Japanese 初級日本語クイズ」のアーカイブを紹介しています。問題のあとに解答と解説が続きます。
This page introduces the archive of “Quizzes of basic Japanese” which was posted on Instagram. The answers and explanations follows after quizzes.

受身動詞(passive verbs)
Passive verbs in Japanese are little bit complicated.
The important thing is to remember the “verb groups” and conjugations in each.

However, it does not mean that the more honorifics you use, the better.




助数詞(counter suffixes)
Japanese language has a lot of counter suffixes.
Which counter suffixes should we use?

Do you know the word “ぜひ”?
“ぜひ” is a word which emphasizes requests or desires of the speaker, but there are some rules when use this.
